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Huffington Post Quebec Pilote Automatique
Huffington Post Quebec La Mémoire Spatiale
Huffington Post Quebec Jeux Vidéo D'Action
French TV, General Lecture: Canal Savoir Ecole MiniPsy
French TV, Scientific Report: Tele Quebec Code Chastenay
Brief Scientific Lectures by
Dr. Bohbot
Select Scientific Articles
Persson K, Bohbot VD, Bogdanovic N, Selbaek G, Braekhus A, Engedal K. (2018). Finding of increased caudate nucleus in patients with Alzheimer's Disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 137(2):224-232. (693KB)
Konishi K, Joober R, Poirier J, MacDonald K, Chakravarty M, Patel R, Breitner J, Bohbot VD. (2017). Healthy versus Entorhinal Coritcal Atrophy Identification in Asymptomatic APOE4 Carriers at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. (1.1 MB)
Drisdelle BL, Konishi K, Diarra M, Bohbot VD, Jolicoeur P, West GL. (2017). Electrophysiological evidence for enhanced attentional deployment in spatial learners. Experimental Brain Research. 235(5):1387-1395.
Andruchow ND, Konishi K, Shatenstein B, Bohbot VD. (2017). A Lower Ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acids Predicts Better Hippocampus-Dependent Spatial memory and Cognitive Status in Older Adults. Neuropsychology. 31(7):724-734. (729KB)
Bohbot VD, Copara MS, Gotman J, Ekstrom AD. (2017). Low-frequency theta oscillations in the human hippocampus during real-world and virtual navigation. Nature Communications. 8:14415. (782KB)
Konishi K, Bhat V, Banner H, Poirier J, Joober R, Bohbot VD. (2016). APOE2 Is Associated with Spatial Navigational Strategies and Increased Gray Matter in the Hippocampus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10:349. (552KB)
Robaey, P., McKenzie, S., Schachar, R., Boivin, M., and Bohbot, V. D. (2015). Stop and Look! Evidence for a bias towards virtual navigation response strategies in children with ADHD symptoms. Behavioral Brain Research. 1(1):1-7. (894KB)
Ledoux, A. A., Phillips, J. L., Labelle, A., Smith, A., Boyer, P., Bohbot, V.D. (2014). Structural hippocampal anomalies in a schizophrenia population correlate with navigation performance on a wayfinding task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8(88):1-11. (227KB)
Bohbot, V. D., Del Balso, D., Conrad, K., Konishi, K., Leyton, M. (2013). Caudate nucleus-dependent navigational strategies are associated with increased use of addictive drugs. Hippocampus. 23: 973-984. (499KB)
Konishi, K., Etchamendy, N., Roy, S., Marighetto, A., Rajah, N., Bohbot, V. D. (2013) Decreased functional magnetic resonance imaging activity in the hippocampus in favor of the caudate nucleus in older adults tested in a virtual navigation task. Hippocampus. 23(11):1005-14. (467KB)
Konishi, K., Bohbot, V. D. (2013) Spatial navigational strategies correlate with gray matter in the hippocampus of healthy older adults tested in a virtual maze. Front Aging Neurosci. 5:1. (3.7MB)
Wilkins, L. K., Girard, T. A., Konishi, K., King, M., Herdman, K. A., King, J., Christensen, B., Bohbot, V. D. (2013). Selective deficit in spatial memory strategies contrast to intact response strategies in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders tested in a virtual navigation task. Hippocampus. 23: 1015-1024. (227KB)
Ledoux, A.A., Lynne Phillips, J., Labelle, A., Smith, A., Bohbot, V. D., Boye,r P. (2013). Decreased fMRI activity in the hippocampus of patients with schizophrenia compared to healthy control participants, tested on a wayfinding task in a virtual town. Psychiatry Research. 211(1): 47-56. (746KB)
Bohbot, V. D., McKenzie, S., Konishi, K., Fouquet, C., Kurdi, V., Schachar, R., Boivin, M. & Robaey, P. (2012) Virtual navigation strategies from childhood to senescence: evidence for changes across the life span. Front Aging Neurosci. 4:28. (613KB)
Etchamendy, N., Konishi, K., Pike, B.G., Marighetto, A., & Bohbot, V.D. (2012) Evidence for a virtual human analog of a rodent relational memory task: a study of aging and fMRI in young adults. Hippocampus 22:869-80. (600KB)
Bohbot, V.D., Lerch, J., Thorndycraft, B., Iaria, G. & Zijdenbos, A. (2007) Gray matter differences correlate with spontaneous strategies in a human virtual navigation task. Journal of Neuroscience 27, 10078-10083. (200KB)